Friday, December 27, 2013

Pinterest & The Interest Of A Social Media Marketing Coach

By Rob Sutter

It is normal for certain networking sites to gain attention over the course of time and the same can be said about Pinterest. To me, this is one of the very few sites that will be able to catch up with Facebook and Twitter in terms of the popularity face if it is utilized enough. The fact that it has grown so much since its launch speaks volumes. What you probably did not recognize, though, was that it could help companies and a social media marketing coach can show you how.

Pinterest has grown, to say the least, but I do not think people realize the extent of the growth in question. What I have also come to notice is that growth truly did not hit a spurt until January of 2012. It was on this date that it was recognized how the site had doubled its user base. As of now, Pinterest stands tall as a site with much engagement being seen. A fun fact to think about is that the user base of the site is comprised of 80% females.

Of course, one has to wonder what can be done in order to increase business through Pinterest. After all, the idea of pinning pictures is the main focus of the site for many people, so one would have to imagine that companies would have a trickier time navigating. On the contrary, though, engagement can be created with previous fans being contacted. A company could actually go to its other channels - Facebook, Twitter, as well as others if they exist - and find those who are following the brand already.

Fans may be attained thanks to these various channels but what about further interaction? A company could put Pinterest to the test by allowing the pinning various graphics, each of them proving to be aesthetically pleasing. Visual engagement is important in most cases and a social media marketing coach would be able to tell you the same. Authorities along the lines of S-M-M-C will also be able to tell you that comments and replies matter as well, so make sure that you post these in conjunction.

Pinterest does not seem like the kind of website businesses would flock to, at least not on the surface. Upon further inspection, though, one can see that it can be utilized for such purposes as long as the right actions are put into effect. There's also the idea of a user base, of which Pinterest has a strong type. You want to be able to pin a variety of images and while the common user on the site may be more inclined to look up recipes, for example, a social media marketing coach sees other purposes.

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