Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Do Not Overlook Website Security

By Joe Wilson

Your newly born online business needs a website security to prevent website bugs, including hackers. Website security must be given utmost priority specifically for e-commerce website. Hackers are always searching for an opportunity to enter your system and gain access to your personal data. This not only affects the online business customer base, but also adversely affects sales. For this reason, regular vulnerable audits are required. A vulnerable assessment interrogates the components of the operating system and exposes detailed list of plaguing issues.

In most cases, human errors while system administration or coding is responsible in helping them to enter the system. This vulnerability acts as a hidden door to allow them to stealthily enter your system with causing no visible abnormality. A high caliber scammer just needs to 'drop' a tiny program which 'hooks' your computer to a specific botnet. And in doing that, the hacker leads to disastrous changes in your life. Here comes the need of website security. It definitely minimizes the great risk. Secondly, a website security seal works positively in increasing traffic and in the process increases conversion rates.

For example if it starts like MD5, then it becomes difficult to read and hard to hack. Secondly, it maybe tempting to do without user names or in certain cases, busy users just choose 'admin'. This should definitely be avoided. If an online criminal has to work hard to decipher the user name and password, then he is less likely to get through. Thirdly, when you are trying to upload any picture then check whether it is in jpg, gif etc format. Once it is done rename the file to hide it. Fourthly, it is not wise to access the uploaded images, directly.

The inaccuracies of the hardware and software programs are checked through mock hack, in which the tester enters certain malicious codes to expose the vulnerable areas and to study the probable path of he hackers. To implement your own website security measures, being careful about certain blunders, matter. Firstly, choose strong passwords of about 8-16 characters mixed with numbers, letters and punctuations which becomes difficult to crack.

This way the website owner can tailor the website security practices, so that he does not mistakenly infringe upon intended users. The advantages of using internet have brought with itself certain risks as well. If the operating systems and website applications are not installed with website security features, the user might even risk losing billions of dollars.

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