Monday, October 15, 2012

Vasco's Two Factor Authentication Options

By Brad Wilson

Do you remember when you were in school and you had to study analogies, like apple is to orange as pencil is to pen? If so, then you will appreciate the following statement

Vasco is to two factor authentication as Microsoft is to Windows.

It's a fact. If you are looking for security software that protects your computers and mobile devices, Vasco is the best option for you. Their services are exceptional and they provide strong authentication and e-signature software.

Should you put your trust in Vasco? Well yes, if you want these amazing services.

Services Offered By Vasco

DIGIPASS as a Service- You will love the DIGIPASS service, cloud services developed by Vasco through two factor authentic and provides protection of data and e-commerce information. You don't need technical training and no complex integration is needed.

Identikey Service- To keep your corporate network and internet use safe you can use Identikey replacing regular login information on Windows operating systems. With this key software, you can protect your computer from unauthorized users. This service can be used even if a user is not connected to the corporate network.

DIGIPASS Mobile Service- Vasco cloud service s are an e-signatures solution and dual factor authentication eliminating risks associated with online banking and mobile banking. Whether you have palm handsets, Blackberry handsets, and java based mobile phones this service provides ultimate protection. The dual factor authentication protects even users who access their data all over the world.

GO- Vasco also has an affective defensive software called DIGIPASS GO for protection against password theft. The software helps you identify who is accessing your corporate network or website. If the server or your information has been tampered the software will notify you. Installation is easy, and this software works well with all of Vasco's other two factor identification products, like Identikey and other DIGIPASS servers.

Vasco is the solution if you want your information protected on any type of network. With these ultimate two factor authentication products your sensitive data is safe, always.

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