Friday, August 16, 2013

How Technology Is Changing The Way Companies Operate

By Lee Smith

Modern technology has revolutionised the business arena in a big way. With almost every business taking advantage of some degree of automation, modern technology is found at all stages, from simple accounting packages to complicated CRM and enterprise application systems.

Information and communication technology (ICT).

ICT has uncovered numerous channels of communication and data consumption for companies. It has additionally made communication adaptable and a lot faster, thereby resulting in better organisation and greater convenient. Effortless access to information allows small business to remain in tune with the latest trends in technology to expand their organisation.

ICT has streamlined connection with associates and clients in different parts of the world. It has enhanced collaborative work since people can operate at various times according to their life-style. ICT enables you to arrange, process and save information conveniently and quickly.

Online collaboration and storage.

Due to technology, teams are no longer constricted to doing work in the same room or place of work. Presence of technologies like hosted desktop and cloud computing have removed geographic boundaries. Documents can now be uploaded into the cloud and accessed via authorised staff members from any place in the world. Exchanging data has become just so much less complicated.


The development of portable devices namely phones, netbooks and laptop computers has been of incredible benefit to the business arena. Optimisation of mobile systems and wireless network is called enterprise mobility management (EMM). It helps improve productivity of organisations.

Virtual desktops can be shared with team members using portable gadgets, leading to better teamwork in the company. These technologies have enhanced the quality of productivity and client care.

Security and safety.

State-of-the-art multi-level security channels, anti-virus and anti-malware applications, password protection, voice recognition, eye scan, biometrics and several other technologies ensure security of your information.

Moreover, technology has also introduced hi-tech security systems and anti-alarm systems to protect against security breach in the physical hard drive areas.


Technology has produced a platform of evenly matched opportunity in marketing for businesses of all sizes. Natural Internet marketing is extremely cost effective. Practices like Search Engine Optimization, social bookmarking, social media marketing, content distributions, blogging and all such practices provide a ton of scope to tap potential market.

Cost saving.

Technology requires upfront investment. However when done, it saves money overall. For example, introduction of Business Process Outsourcing and Knowledge Process Outsourcing allows businesses to outsource the task instead of putting together the facilities in their office premises. Hosted desktops are even an example of outsourcing.

Technology has minimized dependency on personnel up to a huge extent. So, business organisations can reduce their spending on workforce as well as the related costs.

Along with the application of technology at various levels, expense on communication, postage, security and many avenues of businesses has scaled down significantly.

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